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Revisiting the Post-Partition Poland in the East European Policies of the Ottoman Empire
XIXth century political history contains some important turning points for many states. Situation was the same for the Poles whose state was under the partition in this century. At the same time this century was a time period that the Ottoman Empire lost much more its power. In the XIXth century for the policies of the Ottoman Porte, “Polish Question” and regaining of independency by the Poles was a necessity in point of the “balance of power” in the Eastern Europe. Ottoman supports given for regaining of the independence of Poland and some requests of the Polish patriots for this aim were effective to arise some narratives and stories. Stories of Count Aksak, unclosed Polish embassy and “Polis envoy on the road” and prophecy of Wernyhora are some of them. In this article it is given places to this kind of narratives/legends and stories and also focused on the impact of the real politics of the Ottoman Empire in the emergence of these narratives and stories with the supports of the documents from the Turkish and Polish archives<

Poland, Ottoman Empire, XIXth Century, Polish independency, Partitions f Poland,Count Aksak

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