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Черноморский научно-исследовательский центр

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Relations Between Turkey and Poland in the Day of Ataturk
The Turkish-Polish contacts, which began 13th century A.C., moved to a serious stage in the period of the Ottoman Empire. The Ottoman-Polish relations, initially characterized mainly by wars, afterwards turned to a period of balanced politics of the two countries. The reason was that the Kingdom of Poland stood between the Germans and the Russians. And the Ottoman Empire and the Kingdom of Poland were both threatened by the Germans and the Russians. In the 18th century, Poland was split up between Russia, Austria and Prussia. Thereupon the Ottoman Empire did not recognized this stuation. Our study, we will examine the process of building relations between the Republic of Turkey which emerged after an honourable fight under the leadership of Mustafa Kemal Atatürk, and the Republic of Poland which was established after the First World War. This study will investigate under which conditions and principles the modern states were in relation to each other rather than the periods of monarch, expansion, occupation and conflict. Turkish archives and documents were the basis for this study. <

Turkey, Poland, Imperialism, relations

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