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Черноморский научно-исследовательский центр

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Reflections on Qashqai Language and Literature from Begining to Date
Qashqai Turks are a Turkish nomadic community living in the south of Iran. They come third in terms of population in the Turkish communities living in Iran after Azerbaijani Turks and Turkmens. They have been abandoning the nomadic life in the last thirty years. Data collection in the Qashqai field was carried out for almost two months in line with the topic of the paper, which provided data regarding the Qashqai culture and the modern Qashqai Literature.This paper, which deals with the periods of Qashqai literature from the beginning to date and the important Qashqai poets, provides information on the Qashqai poets recorded from the 19th century . It especially deals with the importance of the great poet whose pseudonym was Ma’zun for the Qashqai society, the impact of Şehriyar on Qashqai poetry after Ma’zun and examples of poems by the modern Qashqai poets. Furthemore, this paper, which aims to some degree to outline the thematic framework of the modern Qashqai poetry, provides the readers with the sample texts and the characteristics of the poems by the most famous poets in Qashqai society such as Hüseyin Ali Kaimi, Mensur Şah Muhammedi and Mahmud Kaviyani. Moreover, this study deals with the difficulties that one might encounter, the living Qashqai poets, the relationship of the new generation that started to live in cities with the Qashqai language within the framework of the data collected and observations done in the field. <

Qashqai, Ma’zun, Qashqai poets

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