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Çerkez Diasporasının Nitelikleri Üzerine (Rusya’daki Kafkas Çalışmaları Temelinde)
Article is devoted to history of formation and present state of Circassian diaspora. The main stages of institutionalization of Circassian (Adyghe) diaspora in Turkey, Syria and Jordan are investigated and factors defining this process are brought to light. The authors analyze activity of the Circassian (Adyghe) public organizations of the Russian Federation and of foreign diaspora in solution of problems of the Circassian (Adyghe) nation in linguistic, ethnic and ethno-political spheres and problems of repatriation to the historical homeland. The problem of politicization of the Circassian problem and its conceptual basis are investigated. The conclusion is made that the Circassian diaspora is capable to resist modern challenges, to promote its interests and to act as the non-governmental actor. The authors note that at the present time repatriation of Circassians neither meets expectations of its supporters, nor justifies the fears of repatriation opponents.

Circassian diaspora, public organizations, "Circassian problem", historical homeland, repatriation.

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