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16 . Sayı

Yahya Kemal Taştan

Assistant Editor

Ankara  2008

Generic File  | Cover  | Index  | Editor's Note

Osman Karatay  
Kosova: Bağımlı Bir Bağımsızlık İle Nereye? Ss, 1-12
Quo Vadis Kosovo with a Dependent Independence?

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Plamen S.Tzvetkov  
From The Caucasus to The Balkans: Some Aspects of The Bulgarians' Earliest History Ss, 13-23
From The Caucasus to The Balkans: Some Aspects of The Bulgarians' Earliest History

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Dan D. Y. Shapira  
Some Notes on Jews and Turks Ss, 25-38

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Bilgehan Pamuk  
Canca (Gümüşhane) Maden Mukataası'nda İltizam Uygulaması Ss, 39-48
The Land Tenure Application of Canca Mining Muqata'ah (1600-1650)

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Yaşar Özüçetin Murat Özcan  
Millî Mücadele İçerisinde Pontus Meselesi ve Yunanistan'ın Rolü Ss, 49-64
The Pontus Question within the Turkish Liberation War and the Role of Greece

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Cemal Avcı  
Türk-Ermeni İlişkileri (1905-1923) Ss, 65-76
Turko-Armenian Relations (1905-1923)

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Bilal Karabulut  
Osmanlı'nın Zor Sınavı: Fransa'nın Tutarsız Politikaları Ekseninde Girit İsyanı (1866-1869) Ss, 77-99
The Uneasy Trial of the Ottoman: the Crete Rebellion in Terms of the Inconsistent French Policies

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Şenol Sancak Erhan Durukan-Mehmet Alver  
Dil ve Kültür Yozlaşmasında Giresun Örneklemi Ss, 101-111
The Sample of Giresun in Linguistic and Cultural Degeneration

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Serhan Alkan İspirli  
Trabzonlu Kadın Divan Şairlerimiz: Fıtnat, Saniye ve Mahşah Hanım Ss, 113-120
Woman Poets of Trabzon: Ladies Fıtnat, Saniye and Mahşah

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Salim Çonoğlu  
Nihat Genç'in Kişiliğinde ve Kitaplarında Trabzon Ss, 121-132
Trabzon in personality and books of Nihat Genç

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Hasan Yaylı Yusuf Pustu  
Yerel Demokrasinin İlkeleri Ss, 133-153
Principles of Local Democracy

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Engin Berber  
Yorumlar: Küçük Asya Savunma Örgütü'yle İlgili Makalemize Bir Eleştirinin Düşündürdükleri Ss, 155-163
Comments: Reflections on a Critique About One of my Essays Concerning the Defence Organization...

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İbrahim Gültekin  
Cemal Kurnaz: Osmanlı Şiir Okulu (Kitap Değerlendirme) Ss, 165-168
Cemal Kurnaz: Ottomans' Poet School (Book Reviews)

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