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A Daftar About the Grand Vizier Koca Yusuf Pasha’s Correspondence During the 1791 Expedition: July 7 1791- August 10 1791
A daftar consisting the correspondence of Grand Vizier Koca Yusuf Pasha during the 1791 Expedition is avaliable on the Prime Ministery Ottoman Archives. There are 237 correspondence texts in this daftar. Correpondence in the daftar covers the period between July 7 1791- August 10 1791. Information given in the daftar includes the defeat of Macin, general conditions of the Ottoman army, proplems faced by the Ottoman commanding officers, activities of the Tuna navy, ongoing peace negotiations with Austria, activities of Ahmad Azmi Efendi sent to Prussia as the ambassador and the Treaty of Sistova<

Koca Yusuf Paşa, Treaty of Sistova, Austria, Defeat of Macin

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