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NATO's Mistakes That Paved the Way for Russia-Ukraine Crisis
The Russia-Ukraine Crisis has been the second biggest crisis between NATO and Russia in five years. Russia occupied Georgia, a NATO candidate, in 2008 and officially recognized two breakaway regions threatening Georgia's territorial integrity. Five years later, Russia threatened the territorial integrity of Ukraine, another NATO candidate, illegaly annexing Crimea and supporting separatists in the Eastern part of the country. The Western World and NATO have been condemning Russia because of its role. There is no doubt about Russia's role in the crisis. However NATO has to admit that its mistakes during and after the 2008 Russia-Georgia War played an important part in the new Crisis. NATO's posture with regard to Russian behaviour during the 2008 War was not strong enough to deter Russia from again challenging and confronting the Alliance and the whole western World. <

NATO, Russia-Georgia War, Russia-Ukraine Crisis, Crimea

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