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Is it End of a Dream? Reassessing the NATO Enlargement Policy Toward the Black Sea and Caucasus Region
Since the breakaway of USSR Ukraine and three Caucuses states (Georgia, Azerbaijan and Armenia) has, despite different will, still been endeavoring to acquire the NATO membership. Various factors have played significant role at the delay of those countries’ attainment of NATO membership. In a summary, Russian strong counter-stance; the reluctance of, except the US, other major NATO members attitude toward enlarging NATO beyond Eastern Europe borders; instabilities in the region aroused from ethnic, religious and cultural conflicts; the partial change at the Washington Policy toward region and, the lack of internal consolidated national efforts at candidate states have adversely influenced the NATO enlargement at Black Sea and Caucuses; Although the dream of being NATO membership for those countrıes has not made happen so far, they must maintain their aspiration toward NATO for the regional and country level security. <


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