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The Negation Suffix –mA as an Instrument of Semantic Change
Negation is an area which has different aspects. Therefore, it has an interdisciplinary feature, related to philosophy, psychology and linguistics. In addition to this, negation has also different aspects in linguistics. Negation, which is related to morphology, semantics and syntax, is analysed in different ways by linguists. All of the languages has negation marker/s. The standard negation marker in Turkish is –mA. The question, under which suffix category should this suffix be analysed, is dealt with in different ways by linguists. In this article it is demonstrated how the standard negation marker –mA, which is added to another verb, transforms it. By this way, Semantic change methods of –mA are exposed. All these are indicated as evidences of why the negation suffix –mA should be considered as derivational suffixes. <

Negation, Negation Suffix –mA, Turkish, Derivational Suffix, Morphology.

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