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Water in South Azerbaijan Proverbs
Iran is one of the important geographies where Oghuz Turks have lived since the beginning of the 1000s. So, Iran region has rich sources for the Turkology because it has been a place where Turkish culture has been formed. Water that constitutes an important place on human life has been considered as a sacred being with different viewpoints in Turkish culture. The proverbs which are the most important items of the oral literature reflect the historical experience and the envisaging and mentality of public with a short and impressive saying. The proverbs expressed with various terms throughout history has been one of the most beautiful elements of national wealth by processed in public language at different time and areas The study is on water in the proverbs of Iran Azerbaijan. In this context, Emåal ü Ne?ayi?-i Türkì, Tebrizden Dört Defter (Atalar sözleri, meseller, hikmetler), Ferheng-i Darbü’l Meselha-yı Afşar-ı Azerbaycan, Emsâl-i Hikem Der Zebân-i Mahalli-yi Azerbaycan and Ata Babalar Deyibler were examined and the proverbs in which the item of water is mentioned were found and classified according to the subjects. Also, the proverbs were compared with the proverbs in Turkey Turkish and dialects and historical sources. <

Water, Iran Azerbaijan, proverb.

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