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The Politicization of Alevism and Alevi Opening I: Historical Roots
Today, an Alevi awakening is mentioned with version names as the politicization of Alevism and the formation of Alevi ethnic identity. This movement has historical process which reached as near past as far past too. The formation of Alevism has emerged with power and opposition-based from past to now. In this process, the remarkable point is that definitions have been described as power-based. Alevism has to position against this fact. Adapting the name Alevi and abandoning the name, Kizilbash is the indicator of this fact. This essay is formed of five sections and in the first section, historical process is being mentioned from beginning of Alevism to national struggle. <

Kizilbash, Alevism, Bektashism, Ottoman Empire, the Committee of Union and Progress.

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