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Perspectives to the Development of Vocational-Technical Education in Ottoman Provinces: Bursa Industrial School
The first example of industrial schools during Ottoman Perod is Nish Children’s Home founded in 1863. The success of Nish Children’s Home, founded with the aim of reintegrating homeless and miserable children into the society, made chidren’s homes widespread, firstly in the cities of region and then in all Anatolia. On the other hand, these unique and functional institutions which stood out with their educational activities became prominent vocational training institutions over time. However, this transformation period was different for each institution since expenses are covered by the local authorities with non-fixed resources. Accordingly, this study deals with the development of industrial school in Bursa, one of the most important cities of Anatolia. Like its peer schools which stood clear off a standart curriculum and organizational structure till 1911, the progress of the school from establishment to the Republic Period is discussed.<

Bursa, Children’s Home, Industrial School.

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