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19. Yüzyılda Kafkasya’dan Anadolu’ya Yapılan Göçler
19th century is a period in which besides political dynamism, social changes have also accelerated. In this century, the migrations from the surrounding countries towards the Ottoman territories were the main triggering factors, effecting the social changes. The contribution of the emigrants in formation of Turkey, who came to Anatolia during the transition period from the Ottoman Empire to the Republic, can not be denied. From the mid of the 19th century, the emigrants who came from Caucasia have accepted the Ottoman State their new homeland. During the recent years, that migrations have been scrutinized by the researchers in several respects. In this work, the migrations from Caucasia in 19th century and the settlements of the emigrants were generally evaluated. Main sources of this work are generally original, and researches and verbal sources are also included. Here and there, in examining the migrations and its sources, new approaches concerning the methodology were also mentioned.<

Caucasus, Circassian, Chechen, Migration, Settlement, Population, Ottoman, Anatolia.

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