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Abdülaziz's Period Expresing Arif Oruç's Work: How did Sultan Abdülaziz Get Solve and Get Suicide?
Abdülaziz?s period expressing Arif Oruç?s work: How did Sultan Abdülaziz Get Solve and Get Suicide? to show historical novel feature in therms of phraseology and expression style. Although author choose events and people to from actual date environment these elements reflect from inside the world of novels by refictiving. Author uses the expression style such as interior monologue, dialogue, description and expresses the people characteristic features. Moreover author expresses by refictiving In their own dream world the information obtained from various historical sources. All these features suggests that work should be considered as the novel.<

Arif Oruç, Abdülaziz’s period, political conflict, novel, fiction, dialog, interior monologue.

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