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War Profiters in the Novels of National Strugle and Early Republican Periods
Economic woes, which was caused by World War-1, atracted Turkish community profoundly. Because of world economy there was tribulation on obtaining of basic foodstuff. A part of community who tried to get chance from this situation, got good benefit by black market. This situation was depicted by writers of that period, various writers critized this kind of people ana the focused that goverment must to take some caution to stop it. This people, who got riched doing booty at world years, were remarked by novelist as well. While large of community were struggling with beggary, happy life of war profiters was described as criticaly by writers. İn this paper will show that how this subject was discussed (used) at novels and which aspects of war profiters draw attention.<

Novel, war, economic woes, war pofiters.

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