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The Reflextion of the Turk-Hungarion Diplomatic Visit on Turkish Press (1930-1931)
The years between 1930 and 1931 was the process that Turkey and Hungary diplomatic visits were intense the process, begun with M. Walko, Hungarion foreign minister, kept on with Hungarion prime minister Kont Bethlen. İsmet İnönü, presedent of Turish Republic, and Tevfik Rüştü Aras, foreign minester, fallowed up these visits. The developments after world war I. Made these demorches important in Balkans and Europe. Turkish press showed enough interest in these visits, which were based on Turk-Hungarian relationship and friendship. Turkish newspapers pressed the diplomatic visits as news and made critics and interpretations. Tukish press contred the interpictation about the maxim Turk- Hungarion fraternity. The diplomacy between countries always remained important for media the past as today ıt is possible to see this sitvation in Turkish press beween 1930 and 1931.<

Turkish Pres, Diplomacy, Balkans, Turk-Hungarian Fraternity, Peace, Friandship.

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