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Clothing includes all those worn from head to toe as an element of material culture. The use of clothing, which initially emerged with the instinct of protection in primitive societies, has developed, changed and enriched with aesthetic concerns in modern societies. Clothing, which contains many features of the historical, cultural and social ties of nations, constitutes an important part of the cultural and tangible heritage of societies. The rich vocabulary of clothing culture is among the important subjects of language studies. Clothing names vary in the language field where a language is spoken, even in the most remote regions, with their own different uses. The determination of the current situation in the subdialects also enables the richness of the vocabulary of that language to be revealed. In this study, the names of clothing in Kazan Tatar subdialects were examined. Clothing names in Kazan Tatar subdialects were determined by scanning the works named Tatar Tĩlĩnĩŋ Zur Dialektologik Süzlĩgĩ (Kazan, 2009) and Tatar Ḫalık Söyleşlerĩ (Kazan, 2008). These words are classified according to the place they are worn on the body as names of clothing related to the head and neck, hand, foot, upper and lower parts of the body, underwear, complementary ornaments and jewelry, names related to the materials used in clothing and other names related to clothing culture. A partial structure and origin analysis has been made with selected examples from the names. It is aimed to contribute to field researchers by examining the rich vocabulary related to clothing in subdialects.

Names of Clothing, Kazan Tatar Subdialects, Vocabulary, Clothing Culture, Types of Clothing.

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