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The Military Capacity of the Romanian Army Before the First World War and the Strategic Importance of the Port of Constanta According to German Sources
Although developments in Balkans were important in process leading up to First World War, military power of Romania, strategic importance of Constanta port were also on the radar of Germany, one of most powerful states of that period. Success of Romanian army in Second Balkan War was a priority in determining balances in Balkans before First World War, and military deterrent of this state was one of the important issues that determined which political power would dominate Balkans. On the other hand, the port of Constanta, on the other hand, was effective in determining weight of Russia in Balkans, as well as providing an economic advantage to this state with export of Romanian oil abroad. The port of Constanta, which has an advantageous position in providing connection between Ottoman Empire and Germany, was also important in terms of defending Black Sea Strait in north during the First World War. In research, before First World War, military capacity of Romanian army and strategic importance of Constanta port were discussed through German sources, reasons for defeat of Romanian army in war were tried to be reached and the importance of Constanta port in terms of determining balances in Black Sea was emphasized.

First World War, Black Sea, Romania, Constanta, General Mackensen

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