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The Concept Field of “Infinite” in Old Uyghur Buddhist Texts
The fact that human being is a finite being has led him to understand, seek and find the infinite throughout history, and the concept of the infinite has been a concept that has been emphasized and explained in various ways by theology as well as various disciplines such as philosophy, physics, logic and mathematics. The first sources in the West of the concept of the infinite belong to Anaximander, one of the Ancient Greek philosophers. He expressed the infinity with the concept of apeiron "infinite". The first sources in the East are seen in the holy books of Indian religions. For example, the colti nayut reduplication in the Buddhist sutras is an expression that characterizes too many to count. In a work called Surya Prajnapti, numbers are divided into countable, uncountable and infinity. IX. There are many words that mean endless in the translations of the holy books of Buddhism by the Uyghurs, most of whom have been Buddhists since the century. In this study, based on the religious texts of the Buddhist Uyghurs, the endless concept fıeld in Old Uyghur will be examined and how the ancient Uyghurs perceived this concept will be revealed through the language-thought relationship.

Buddhism, Old Uyghur, Concept, Concept Fıeld, Infinite

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