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İkinci Karabağ Savaşının Tarihsel Dinamikleri ve Türkiye’nin Politikasındaki Değişim: Suriye İç Savaşının Etkileri
After the end of the Cold War, Turkey's Caucasus policy has undergone changes in the period from the 1990s to present, while the Nagorno-Karabakh policy has also changed. The change in both Turkey's Caucasus policy and Nagorno-Karabakh policy was most evident in the second Nagorno-Karabakh War. The policies implemented by Turkey during the war and the role it assumed are proofs of this change. The change, on the other hand, expresses a transition from discursiveness to activism. This transition is due to three main reasons; first, the dynamics in domestic politics, second, Turkey's capacity increase in all areas, and third, the impact of the Syrian Civil War. All these reasons paved the way for Turkey to follow more specific and more operational policies in its Nagorno-Karabakh policy. The second Nagorno-Karabakh War, containing important clues for understanding Turkey's policies in both Azerbaijan and the Caucasus, is an event that has a subtext and a background for a better understanding of Turkey's regional power goals.

Turkey's Nagorno-Karabakh Policy, Nagorno-Karabakh Issue, II. Nagorno-Karabakh War, Turkey's Caucasu

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