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On Schizoid Disorder of Personality: The Case of Süreyya in the Novel Unutma Beni Apartmanı of Nermin Yıldırım
Nermin Yıldırım is one of the authors whose name is frequently mentioned in the last period Turkish Literature with the Works she wrote in the literary genres of novels and short stories. She has seven published novels and dozens of stories in various magazines. The first work of the author published in the genre of a novel is Unutma Beni Apartmanı. The novel in question is based on the heroine named Süreyya, whose personality traits gain an infexible dimension and have difficulties in her relationship with her environment and live in such dimensions as to cause problems within herself. Being away from close relationships and not enjoying these relationships, prefering to engage in only one activity almost all the time, not having a close friend or confidant, being indifferent to the praise or criticism of others, showing emotional coldness, detachment or monotonous feeling, desire to have sexual experience diagnostic criteria such as no or very few diagnostic criteria reveal that she has schizoid personality traits. This study aims to analyze how the protagonist Süreyya in her novel Unutma Beni Apartmanı displays her schizoid personality traits in fiction and analyze her personality through these features.

Nermin Yıldırım, Unutma Beni Apartmanı, Novel, Süreyya, Schizoid Personality Disorders

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