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Khazaria and Turkic Lands According to Ākām al-Marjān
The works written by medieval Islamic geographers are among the primary sources on Turkic history. These geographical works have an important role in determining the political and social lives of many Turkish communities that had lived in the Northern Black Sea, Western and Eastern Turkestan areas. Ākāmü’l-Mercān fî zikrü’l-medāin’ül meşhûr fî kûlli mekān which was written by İshâq ibn Hüseyin in the XIth century, is among such sources providing information about the Khazars and Turkish regions. The information about the Turks that we obtained from the three copies of this work, which is not frequently used in Turkish Historiography, is the subject of this research. In this study, after addressing questions such as the identity of the author and the existing copies of the manuscript, we tried to make the Turkish translation of the titles reserved for the Khazar and Turkish regions and discuss the relevant information in the manscript.

İshâk b. Hüseyin, Ākāmü’l-Mercān, Khazars, Kimaks, Oguzs

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