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Human in the Poetry of Yunus Emre
Those who look at Yunus Emre's poetry see that he has an endless love and tolerance for people with his "götürü bazar ile". Because according to him, human is a divine being. the whole world is about love; human is the manifestation of this love at the peaks. Yunus’s feeling and reflection of this love is like an exuberant and transcendent chant. Because he is a “crazy dervish” who is fascinated by this love… Yunus loves human because he sees the Creator in the created. Because the Creator and the created are one, and because there is the “unity of existence”. His saying that “Hakk’ı gerçek sevenlere cümle âlem ķardaş gelür” also expresses this thought. The understanding of brotherhood in him is the result of his view of the divine being and the manifestations of the divine being. Yunus is a mystic who believes in the “unity of existence”. According to him, existence is one; absolute being is God, the absolute being. Every existence other than the existence of Allah is a reflection from the creator and consists of nothingness (shadow, imagination) that leads towards the creator. It is shirk to ascribe “original” bodies to these shadowy beings. In fact, being is a single substance; it is also love. In the real sense, a human being is freed from “duality” and by this way became “one” with this love. In this respect, a human being is loved and tolerated with a wholesale (lump) understanding.

Lover, loveless person, animal human, wild animal human, stone human.

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