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Restructuring Health Services in the Ottoman Army During the Second Constitution Period
The issue of healthcare services in the Ottoman Army was seriously first addressed by Sultan II. It was handled during the Mahmut period. After the Medical Center was opened, physicians from this school started to be employed in the army service. Emergency arrangements were made in the face of the bad situation in the health services of the army in the 1877-1878 Ottoman-Russian War and the 1897 Ottoman-Greek War. II. When the Constitutional Monarchy was declared, the health services of the army were under the administration of the Sıhhiye Department within the Erkan-ı Harbiye Ministry organization. Health services of the human and animal resources of the army were essentially organized with the “Civil Service Regulations” adopted on March 10, 1909. With the “Military Organization Sıhhiye-i Baytariyye Regulations” published on 11 July 1911, the duties and authorities of the Baytar Sanitary Committee were reorganized. On February 7, 1912, the duties of the Ministry of War Health Department were re-determined. New regulations were constantly made, laws and regulations were enacted regarding army health services. Although the military health services were well organized and functioning, they were inadequate due to epidemics, financial reasons and medical supplies. Most of the losses in the Balkan and World War I resulted from insufficient medicine and medical supplies and epidemic diseases.

II. Constitutional Period, Ordu Health Services, Sanitary Department, Veterinary Services, Sanitary

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