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Political and Economical Activities of Genç Mustafa Ağa of Canik, Magnate of Ünye
The XVII. and XVIII. centuries in the Ottoman history are known as the Age of Ayans (Notables) in socio-economical terms. Ayans represented not only an economical structure, but also a local political force and formation. They should be known well in order to better understand Ottoman history of those days. Genç Mustafa Ağa of Canik, ayan of Ünye, who had rose in the second half of the XVIII. century, attempted to use his commercial and economical influence for political purposes, but miscalculations and confrontation with the state resulted in ending his life.<

Ottoman history, ayans, the Black Sea region, Ünye, Genç Mustafa Ağa of Canik.

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