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Abaza and Circassian Villages of Pınarbaşı District of Uzunyayla as a Realms of Memory
After the motherland Caucasus, the villages of Uzunyayla has hosted a primeval Abaza, Chechen, Circassian and Karachay cultures for 100 years. The villages, thanks to the customs of worsher, khachesh, funerals, and weddings have kept alive the memory spaces that has allowed a connection to Caucasus. However, the domestic migration, which started in the 1950s together with the mechanisation in agriculture, has accelerated and reached to the point of desertion of the villages. This process which was experienced with the aim of providing a better life to their children through education, accelerated the process leading to loss of the language together with breaking the big family structure. Migration caused by the reasons such as division of the lands through inheritance and education, resulted in mobile education and the loss of memory spaces. We will try to interprete the ruins and archeological sites near the villages which geographically belong to Bugurbash, Chorumshek and Uzunyayla areas by means of photos and charts under one cultural name of Uzunyayla this study aims to analyse the effects of domestic migration upon the memory spaces via the data we collected during our field research in several villages of Uzunyayla between the years 2017-2019.

Uzunyayla, Realms of Memory, Villages, Internal Migration

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