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The Positive Picture of Turkey's Policy Towards Georgia within the Last Two Decades
Relations between Turkey and Georgia is one of the most positive and stable in south Caucasus. The good neighbourhood began just in the period of Georgian independance in 90’s and come till today 2019. As the topics differs in these two periods like 90's and 2000's, the climate was the same. Two topics were always in the center between two countries; in economic area there was the big projects like Baku-Tiflis-Ceyhan Oil pipeline and Baku-Tiflis-Kars railway. As good neigbourhood; visa-free then pasaport-free entrance and common use of Batumi İnternational Airport make a commen daily life along both side of the border. Georgian relations was also a part of Turkish foreign policy as declared by AKP government; Zero problem with the neighbours. Many of them had failed in a short time; so Turkey had lived problems with its neighours from east to west. Georgia appears there as the best continued one and as a important country for Turkey’s foreign policy because of being in positive side.

Turkey-Georgia-Zero Problem with Neighbours- Baku Tbilisi Ceyhan

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