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From Oğuz Kağan to Dede Korkut Symbolic Meaning of the
In Turkish culture history ceremonies are celebrated in different goal and kinds. There are symbolic meaning worId of toys beside khan toys that are organized every year, necessity toys, toys of first hunting return, giving names to toys, seen different kinds as wedding, victory, pillage and attack toys. One of the most important areas in this world of meaning is idea of world domination and this contain clues of if this domination comes true, how sharing will be done and what its rate will be. Those toys that we find have two prototypes in epic of Oğuz Kağan. They take part as most detailed in Book of Dede Korkut, in this essay; we have studied symbolic meaning of world of toys and especially Turkish sharing model.<

Toy, tradition, sharing model, symbolic meaning, Oğuz Kağan, stories of Dede Korkut.

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