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Perception Verbs in Atebetü’l-Hakayık
Atebetü’l-Hakayık was written by Edib Ahmet Yüknekî in Karakhanid period. Yüknekî’s book is mentioned among the Islamic period Turkish first works. It is a didactic poetic work that deals with religious and mystical subjects. One of the sub-groups of mental verbs examined by linguists in various aspects is the perception verbs. In different sources, perception verbs, sensory perception verbs and sensation verbs terms are used and the classifications on the perception verbs, which are also discussed under cognitive verbs from time to time, are generally based on essential ‘five sense’. Viberg, Levin, Sweetser, FrameNet, Ibarretxe-Antuñano, González Orta, Gunnarsdóttir, Blendae and so on. foreign language-based by researchers; and Kuliev, Yaylagül, Kamchybekova, Şahin, Seçkin, Ayan and Türkdil, Gökçe, Yıldız and so on. Turkish language-based academic studies were conducted by the researchers. In this study, in which the verbs of perception of Atebetü'l-Hakayık written by Edib Ahmet Yükneki will be discussed in five groups as eye, ear, nose, taste and contact verbs, the verbs classified in the five groups will be analyzed and shown in context, depending on the example sentences. Thus, it will be tried to understand the author and the mind world of the period based on a work with religious-sufistic content.

Karakhanid Turkish, Atebetü’l-Hakayık, mental verbs, perception verbs

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