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According to Sicil-i Ahvâl Records Non-Muslim Statesmen Who Born In Kayseri Employad In The Ottoman Bureaucracy (1839-1883)
In Ottoman Empire Sicill-i Ahvâl books most important source in which biographies of officials are material. In Ottoman Empire Sicill-i Ahvâl books are official documents in which biographies of officials are recorded. The biographies of non-muslim officials who were born in Kayseri were examined by using the Sicill-i Ahvâl registry books. In this study biographies of 88 non-müslim state officials, who were from Kayseri, have been analyzed. This study gives information about when the officials were born in which, notions, father name professions and nicknames, schools they had education the languages that they spoke or were familiar with their culture and education. Because of the fact that datas such as their occupations, their salaries, degrees that they got for their outstanding efforts, their being rewarded with achievements, and medallion and if they were fined or not were recorded in their biographies of officials, this sets light to us and their period.

Ottoman State, Sicill-i Ahvâl Notebooks, Non Muslim, Officers.

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