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Osmanlı Tarihçisi Mustafa Naima’nın Bireysel Üslubu Korpus Ölçüsünde
An Ottoman prose work “Tarih-i Naima” (“Naima’s History”) for a long time has been the subject of special interest for literary critics, historians and linguists due to its stylistic features. The general comparison of the chronicle frequency lexical parameters with other Ottoman prose texts by corpus approach demonstrated that it had been created according to the canons of Ottoman Prose Literature and rules of its language norm. However, at the same time, “Tarih-i Naima” differs from other texts in some obscure, inexpressive form, which let the annalist work stay quite famous in Ottoman Literature for two centuries and not be forgotten as was the chronicle “Seyahatname” of the famous traveler Evliya Chelebi.

Ottoman Chronic, Ottoman Prose, Mustafa Naima, Individual Style, Corpus Linguistic.

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