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The Agricultural Fields Which Were Changed to The Villages in XVI. Century in Bozok, Kırşehir and Niğde
Arable field is described as place which contains wreck and water in code of laws. It is intended from wreck is place which is abandoned. Water is main element of housing and agriculture. In addition to this description, arable field also describe as place which is agricultural activities maintained. Arable fields generally registered as depending on a village and were seen as a indivisible part of village economy in Tahrir registers. Thus, arable fields perceived as lands which can do agriculture in addition to inadequate agricultural fields which is based within village boundaries. Definition of arable fields vary according to different regions and conditions of time because of the arable fields gained different features based on changing geographical conditions and economical effects in time. In this study, benefiting basically tahrir registers, it is tried to explain to how conditions of time influenced arable fields which were located Bozok (Yozgat), Kırşehir and Niğde when transform to village in XVI century.

Arable field, village, Bozok, Kırşehir, Niğde.

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