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In terms of the Sohbet meetings has an important place in keeping oral traditional culture alive, ensuring continuity and transfering correctly to the new generation. In different regions of Turkey it is known such as: “Barana, Kürsübaşı, Yârân, Erfene/Ferfene, Oturak Âlemleri, Sıra Yarenleri, Cümbüş, Oda Sohbetleri, Sıra Gecesi, Gezek, Sıra Gezme, Velime Geceleri (Eyvan Geceleri), Ateş Gezmesi (Birikme Geceleri), Oturmah”. Outside of Turkey; it is known different names such as: “Geşdek, Coro Bozo, Meşrep, Konuşma and Muhabbet”. Sohbet meetings is known by the same or different names in different regions was carried out, depending on the region's socio-cultural structure, with similar or different applications. Sıra Gezme Meetings the subject of our research, performed in Kemaliye in Erzincan is a tradition. Nowadays, that is not conducted within the traditional structure of meetings is continued with the only musical aspect by “Eğin Fasıl Group”. In this research, after giving general information about the sohbet meetings, we do field research on the subject in Kemaliye and the data obtained from other studies will be examined as titles including Kemaliye Sıra Gezme Sohbet Meetings, “Development and Current Status of the Kemaliye Sıra Gezme Sohbet Meetings”, “General Characteristics of Kemaliye Sıra Gezme Sohbet Meetings”, “The Executive Order of Kemaliye Sıra Gezme Sohbet Meetings”, “Functions of Kemaliye Sıra Gezme Sohbet Meetings”. In the second title; the members of meetings and management structure, conditions of participation, rules, times, space, seating arrangements, meeting types, clothing, etiquette, table manners and fines will be evaluated. Finally, the findings obtained as a result of assembly, research and investigation will be included. <

Erzincan-Kemaliye, Sohbet Meeting, Tradition, Sıra Gezme, Eğin Fasıl Group.

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