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Karadeniz Araştırmaları Merkezi

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Artisans, Craftsmen and Commercial Activities in Kastamonu in the Late XVIII and Early XIX Centuries
In this study an attempt has been made to examine the economic structure of Kasta-monu Province at the end of XVIII. Century and at the beginning of XIX. century. It has drawn attention that there was a live economic life in Kastamonu and its environment at the end of the XVIII. Century. In addition, this study have been made in order to put forward the important historical information about Kastamonu ıts economicsitution in a detailed way. The crops as linen, hemp and garlic have been grown in Kastamonu and its environment and there have an industry fabrication and trade been developed base on these crops. Especially, tether, hawser, cotton material and trade based on them have been primary. Also, it is seen that Kastamonu has relation to the caravan road from the comers from Anatolia.<

Kastamonu, Tradesman Groups, Craftsmans

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    12.10.2023 tarihi itibariyle Dergimize gönderilen makalelerin işlem süreçleri tamamen Dergipark üzer

    12.10.2023 tarihi itibariyle Dergimize gönderilen makalelerin işlem süreçleri tamamen Dergipark üzerinden yapılacaktır.

Adres :Karadeniz Araştırmaları Derneği Kazım Dirik Mah. Gediz Cad. No. 15/1 D. 120 Bornova/İZMİR
Telefon :05426209940 Faks :
Eposta :karadenizarastirmalari@gmail.com