Language and Interaction Between Artistic Branches
In the definitions of fine arts are visual and audio qualities besides
the communication components through spoken and written language.
Even though artistic fields have their own language, there is a need for
both written and spoken languages. Literature is also regarded as one
of the branches of fine arts in the definition of classical fine arts. Critics
examine works of art through written and spoken languages. Spoken
language is used in the chats for art. Works told by a person speaking
that language well are placed in the position they deserve more easily.
While ranking between the branches of art, we give priorities to one of
the arts of literature, music or plastic arts. It could result from the
competition between them. The tool for competition is spoken and
written language. This competition among them plays a significant role in benefiting from each other and is regarded as solving problems. In
order to decipher the language of music, painting and architecture,
there is a need for mediation of the language of literature. On the other
hand, in order to analyze a work of art, a method to determine the effects
of music, painting and other arts can be applied. It is also likely to
think that there is a common language for all works of art. We encounter
with so many examples regarding the interactions between arts. We
also see the examples ranging from abstract through the inspiration of
concrete to concrete through the inspiration of abstract. Interaction
will go on as long as communication exists.<
interdisciplinary art, language