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Karadeniz Araştırmaları Merkezi

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Activities of Zonguldak Community Center and Karael-mas Periodical
The community centers, which had played an important role to make the revolutions take root after the Republic has been established, were established on 19 February 1962 in 14 branches with the decision taken by the Republican Public Party during its III. Great Assembly that was held on 10–18 May 1931. Zonguldak Community Center was established on 24 June 1932 and began to work with nine branches. Zonguldak Community Center had important contributions both in the historical, cultural, social, economic life of Zonguldak and during the process of spreading and adopting the Turkish Revolution. Karaelmas Periodical, publication organ of Zonguldak Community Center, was among one of the most important activities of the community center. So that, the poems and writings of the famous Turkish poets and literateurs had been published in the Karaelmas periodical.<

Community Center, Zonguldak, Karaelmas, Periodical

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    12.10.2023 tarihi itibariyle Dergimize gönderilen makalelerin işlem süreçleri tamamen Dergipark üzer

    12.10.2023 tarihi itibariyle Dergimize gönderilen makalelerin işlem süreçleri tamamen Dergipark üzerinden yapılacaktır.

Adres :Karadeniz Araştırmaları Derneği Kazım Dirik Mah. Gediz Cad. No. 15/1 D. 120 Bornova/İZMİR
Telefon :05426209940 Faks :
Eposta :karadenizarastirmalari@gmail.com