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Karadeniz Araştırmaları Merkezi

Hızlı Erişim

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The Position of Veled Çelebi in the process of rise and development of Turkish nationalism and studies on the Turkish languge
Veled Çelebi’s interest on Turkish poem was an important factor to push him to made studies on Turkish language. Necip Asım Bey and Ahmet Mithat Efendi’s support – who had an important place in Turkish culture and language in Ottoman Empire – embolden him to concentrate his studies on these areas. Veled Çelebi contributed to development of Turkish nationalism – which acquired a shape of cultural/scientific areas – and later attain political shape. Veled Çelebi’s articles relating to Turkish culture and language, which were published on Türk Derneği and Türk Yurdu journals, were important in terms of such features.<

Veled Çelebi, Turkish Nationalism, Türk Yurdu, Türk Derneği, Türk Ocakları

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    12.10.2023 tarihi itibariyle Dergimize gönderilen makalelerin işlem süreçleri tamamen Dergipark üzer

    12.10.2023 tarihi itibariyle Dergimize gönderilen makalelerin işlem süreçleri tamamen Dergipark üzerinden yapılacaktır.

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