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Karadeniz Araştırmaları Merkezi

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TR Dizin


Problems of Turism in Corum and Some Proposals
With globalization now days people travel for quite a lot of reasons like resting, having fun, seeing places which they did not see, and more locally knowing the world where they live in. while these people make social, economic and cultural communication with the people who are in the toured places, they make significant economic contribution to these geography. Çorum province has a important potential both in the country and the world with its historical and cultural treasuries, primarily Hitit Civilization contained in it. Issues in front of this potential to be realized in the tourism sector and suggestions for these constitute the subject of this study. A questionnaire was carried out with Local Government, Municipality, Culture and Tourism Management, hotels, restaurants, gift shops because they are directly in relation with the sector. With the questionnaire Çorum province? s tourism related problems are tried to be uncovered locally, and then suggested solutions are put forward. <

Çorum, Hitit Civilization, Cultural Tourism, Problems of tourism.

Gelişmiş Arama


    12.10.2023 tarihi itibariyle Dergimize gönderilen makalelerin işlem süreçleri tamamen Dergipark üzer

    12.10.2023 tarihi itibariyle Dergimize gönderilen makalelerin işlem süreçleri tamamen Dergipark üzerinden yapılacaktır.

Adres :Karadeniz Araştırmaları Derneği Kazım Dirik Mah. Gediz Cad. No. 15/1 D. 120 Bornova/İZMİR
Telefon :05426209940 Faks :
Eposta :karadenizarastirmalari@gmail.com