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Karadeniz Araştırmaları Merkezi

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A Brief Section of the History of the Crimean National Struggle According to English Documents
Among the English documents in the Keio University, there are many documents especially on relations of the Crimean Tatars with Japans. Besides, there are English, French, German and even Turkish documents in the files of the Japan Diplomatic Archive (Gaikou Shiryoukan), and microfilms of archives of other countries. One of the most outstanding file among them is the one containing communications of Cafer Seydahmet (Kinmer), the Tatar leader, with the British government. This article tells about activities of Cafer Seydahmet, then president of the Crimean Tatar parliament, to get recognition from the British government, in order to regain rights of his country usurped by the Bolshevik Russians, and iner communications of the British foreign ministry.<

Japan Archives, Cafer Seydahmet Kinmer, O. K Jaliloff, C. B. Jerram, the Crimean tatar Parliament.

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    12.10.2023 tarihi itibariyle Dergimize gönderilen makalelerin işlem süreçleri tamamen Dergipark üzer

    12.10.2023 tarihi itibariyle Dergimize gönderilen makalelerin işlem süreçleri tamamen Dergipark üzerinden yapılacaktır.

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